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Forthcoming publications

Berthelin, Signe Rix & Borthen, Kaja. (accepted). The Semantics and Pragmatics of Norwegian sentence-internal Norwegian jo. Accepted for publication in Nordic Journal of Linguistics.


Borthen, Kaja. (2018). Store spørsmål om små ord. Innledning til temanummer om pragmatiske partikler i norskNorsk lingvistisk tidsskrift  36(2), 225–248. Special volume on Norwegian pragmatic markers. Title in English: Big questions about small words. Introduction to thematic volume on pragmatic particles in Norwegian. 

Click here for summary in English.

Borthen, Kaja. (2018). Pronominal høyredislokering i norsk, det er et interessant fenomen, det! Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift  36(2), 403–452. Special volume on Norwegian pragmatic markers. Title in English: Right dislocation of pronouns in Norwegian, it's an interesting phenomenon, it! 

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Borthen, Kaja & Søfteland, Åshild. (2018). «Æ e trønder æ, sjø!» Den pragmatiske partikkelen sjø i midt-norske dialektar. Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift 36(2), 249–280. Special volume on Norwegian pragmatic markers. Title in English: "I'm Trønder, sjø!" The pragmatic particle sjø in mid-Norwegian dialects. 

Click here for summary in English.

Berthelin, Signe Rix. (2018). Midtstilt da – en semantisk-pragmatisk redegjørelse og en sammenlikning med etterstilt daNorsk lingvistisk tidsskrift 36(2), 353–402. Special volume on Norwegian pragmatic markers. Title in English: Sentence internal da - a semantic-pragmatic account and a comparison with tag da

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Eidsmo, Aleksander. (2018). «Tvert imot, det er mye vi ikke vet.» En studie av bruksbetingelsene til diskursmarkøren tvert imot. Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift 36(2), 281–298. Special volume on Norwegian pragmatic markers. Title in English: "On the contrary, there is a lot we do not know." A study of the use conditions of the discourse marker tvert imot. 

Click here for summary in English.

Unger, Christoph. (2018). Sosial mening, pragmatiske partikler og pragmatisk teori. Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift 36(2), 331–352. Special volume on Norwegian pragmatic markers. Title in English: Social meaning, pragmatic particles and pragmatic theory. 

Click here for summary in English.

Unger, Christoph. (2018). A cross-linguistic puzzle and its theoretical implications: Norwegian ’jo’, German ’doch’ and ’ja’, and an advertisement. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 41(3), 309–332.

Borthen, Kaja. (2017) "Språk, altså!" Store spørsmål om små ord. MONS 17 Møter om Norsk Språk; 2017-11-22 - 2017-11-24. University of Bergen, Norway. Keynote address. Title in English: Language, eh! Big questions about small words.


Unger, Christoph. (2017). Social costs of epistemic vigilance and premises in arguments. 2nd European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Inference; 2017-06-20 - 2017-06-23


Unger, Christoph. (2017). Social meanings conveyed by discourse particles: between background and foreground. 15th International Pragmatics Conference 2017; 2017-07-16 - 2017-07-21 

Unger, Christoph. (2017). Towards a relevance theory account of allegory. I: Applications of Relevance Theory From Discourse to Morphemes. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017 ISBN 978-1-4438-7280-5. s. 152-174

Borthen, Kaja. (2016). Six methodological approaches to pragmatic particles: a case study of Norwegian 'da'. Workshop Researching Pragmatic Particles in Communication: Cognitive, argumentative and social dimensions. NTNU, 2016-05-18 - 2016-05-20. 

Johannessen, Maria Boer. (2016). On the semantics and pragmatics of the Norwegian tag 'ass'. Workshop Researching Pragmatic Particles in Communication: Cognitive, argumentative and social dimensions. NTNU, 2016-05-18 - 2016-05-20. 


Borthen, Kaja. (2016). Norwegian pronominal right-dislocation - "Det er morsomt, det!". LCIS-seminar; 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-10

Borthen, Kaja & Unger, Christoph. (2016). The meaning and interpretation of the Norwegian evidential marker visst. Between (stable) meanings and (unstable) interpretations; 2016-09-15 - 2016-09-16. University of Krakow, Poland.

Borthen, Kaja; Ree, Nils Arne; Robbins, Sissel Vuttudal & Busterud, Guro. (2016). Pragmatiske partikler i norsk som andrespråk. Hvordan undervise om etterstilt 'da'?. Den sjuende nasjonale forskningskonferansen om norsk som andrespråk; 2016-10-20 - 2016-10-21. NTNU, Norway. Title in English: Pragmatic particles in Norwegian as a second language. How should we teach tag da?

Søfteland, Åshild & Borthen, Kaja. (2016) Han er kald lufta, sjø. Analysar av den pragmatiske markøren 'sjø' i norske dialektar. Gramino - grammatikk i Norden. University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Title in English: Analyses of the pragmatic marker sjø in Norwegian dialects.

Unger, Christoph. (2016). A cross-linguistic puzzle and its theoretical implications: Norwegian 'jo', German 'doch' and 'ja', and an advertisement. Researching pragmatic particles in communication: cognitive, argumentative and social dimensions; 2016-05-18 - 2016-05-20. NTNU, Norway.

Unger, Christoph. (2016). Degrees of procedure activation and the German modal particles 'ja' and 'doch' - Part 1. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 2016 ;Volum 133.(1) s. 31-45

Unger, Christoph. (2016). Degrees of procedure activation and the German modal particles 'ja' and 'doch' - Part 2. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 2016 ;Volum 133.(1) s. 47-61

Unger, Christoph. (2016). Degrees of procedure activation and the German modal particles 'ja' and 'doch' - Part 3. Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 2016 ;Volum 133.(1) s. 63-74

Unger, Christoph. (2016). Evidentials, genre and epistemic vigilance. I: Relevance Theory: Recent developments, current challenges and future directions. John Benjamins Publishing Company 2016 ISBN 9789027266484. s. 239-258

Unger, Christoph. (2016). Exclamatives, exclamations and speaker's meaning. Between (stable) meanings and (unstable) interpretations; 2016-09-15 - 2016-09-16. University of Krakow, Poland

Borthen, Kaja & Kveen, Perlaug Marie. 2015. "Åja, dæ æ MONS au nå, da mata" Semantiske og pragmatiske aspekt ved den pragmatiske markøren ‘da mata'. Møter om norsk språk (MONS) 16, Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand 25.-27. november, 2015. Title in English: "Oh, it's time for MONS now, da mata" Semantic and pragmatic aspects of the pragmatic markerda mata.

Søfteland, Åshild & Borthen, Kaja. 2015. "Æ e trønder æ, sjø!" Semantiske og pragmatiske aspekter ved 'sjø'. Møter om norsk språk (MONS) 16, Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand 25.-27. november, 2015. Title in English: "I'm Trønder, sjø!" Semantic and pragmatic aspects of sjø

Borthen, Kaja. 2015. Om småord som ‘jo’, ‘visst’ og ‘da’. Hva bidrar de med? Norsk oversetterforenings høstseminar, 2.-4. Oktober 2015. Title in English: On little words like jovisst, and da. How do they contribute?

Borthen, Kaja & Karagjósova, Elena. 2015. Om betydningen til etterhengt 'da' og andre ikke-sannhetsfunksjonelle ord: Hvilke forskningsmetoder skal vi bruke? Språkdagen ved HF NTNU Norway, 06.02.2015. Title in English: On the meaning of tag da and other non-truthconditional words. Which research methods should we use?

Unger, Christoph. (2015). Degrees of procedure activation and the German modal particles ja and doch. Paper delivered at Relevance Round Table Meeting 4. Institute of English Studies, Jagiellonian University of Kraków, September 2015.

Kveen, Perlaug Marie & Borthen, Kaja (2015). About the tag 'da mata'. NOT workshop April 4th 2015. NTNU, Norway.

Unger, Christoph. (2015). A framework for studying evidentiality. NOT workshop April 4th. NTNU, Norway.

Borthen, Kaja, Landgraff, Utne Espen & Klepsvik, Åshild (2015). Results from questionnaires on the tag 'da'. NOT workshop April 4th. NTNU, Norway.

Landgraff, Espen Utne. (2015). Sentence internal 'da'. NOT workshop April 4th 2015. NTNU, Norway.

Søfteland, Åshild & Borthen, Kaja (2015). About the tag 'sjø'. NOT workshop April 4th 2015. NTNU, Norway.

Borthen, Kaja. 2014. Hva betyr 'da', da? Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift,  257-306. Title in English: What does tag da mean? 

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Borthen, Kaja & Knudsen, Cecilie Slinning. 2014. Semantiske og pragmatiske aspekter ved trykklett 'visst'. Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift, 360-411. Title in English: Semantic and pragmatic aspects of unaccentuated visst. 

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Borthen, Kaja & Knudsen, Cecilie Slinning. 2014. 'Visst' er visst en evidensmarkør. Språkdagen ved HF NTNU Norway, 06.02.2014. Title in English: Visst is apparently an evidential marker.

Borthen, Kaja . (2014). A relevance-theoretic analysis of the Norwegian tag 'da'. Interpreting for Relevance 2014. Warsaw, 29.09-30.09 2014. University of Warsaw, Poland.

Borthen, Kaja. (2014). Experimental approaches to the meaning of the pragmatic particle 'da'; some ideas. The SCaLa (speech, cognition, and language) group's research meetings, 29.05.2014. NTNU, Norway.

Berthelin, Signe Rix, Borthen, Kaja, & Knudsen, Cecilie Slinning. (2013). Midtstillet 'jo' - semantiske og pragmatiske aspekter. Presentasjon på Møter om norsk språk (MONS), University of Oslo, Norway. Title in English: Sentence internal jo - semantic and pragmatic aspects.

Knudsen, Cecilie Slinning, Borthen, Kaja & Berthelin, Signe Rix. 2013. Semantiske og pragmatiske aspekter ved midtstilt/etterhengt 'visst'. Presentasjon på Møter om norsk språk (MONS), University of Oslo, Norway. Title in English: Semantic and pragmatic aspects of internal/tag visst.

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